Friday, April 13, 2012

Coaxing Kathleen

This weeks Author Spotlight shines on Kathleen Hayes. Kathleen is the author of Broken and Christmas Traditions

In order to know you, what is the one thing everyone must understand?

I am a huge dork and extremely introverted. That combo makes me hard to get to know (at least in person…I am bit more out there online) but if you make it past the walls, I’m keeping you forever (that’s not creepy…not at all). =)

What is your favorite book?

That is a very hard question to answer because it pretty much depends on the day and my mood. The book I have read the most number of times is Byzantium by Stephen R. Lawhead but it got a head start as I read it the first time when I was 11 or 12 years old. Recently, I have been a mite obsessed with the Cut & Run series (Ty and Zane rock!). 

What was your dream job growing up?

I was one of those kids who changed what they wanted to be a lot. I wanted to be a teacher for most of my childhood (3 of my 5 parents are teachers so big surprise there). Then, in high school, I wanted to be a Navy pilot who did her 20 and then went to med school. Then I wanted to be a museum curator (I got my degree in Medieval Studies). Don’t you wish you knew what my day job ended up being… ;)

Siblings? Only child?

If you didn’t get it from my 3 of 5 parents comment above, my family is a bit…umm…complicated. I have one biological sister, 3 stepsisters, 2 stepbrothers, various step in laws, and 6 sisters of the heart. We claimed each other when we graduated college together and are a part of the sisterhood of the traveling apron (yes, we are dorks and modeled it off the sisterhood of the traveling pants).

What's your favorite location you have ever traveled?

Scotland. I studied abroad at Glasgow Uni during my undergrad and traveled around the country while I was there. It was absolutely gorgeous and the people were lovely. If I weren’t tied to the US at the moment, that is the one place abroad I think I could live.

What’s your writing schedule like? Do you strive for a certain amount of words each day?

I am a student with two jobs and I am bi-locational (I live in two cities right now) so my writing is pretty much catch as catch can. I try to make sure I have at least one good writing session per week. It works though because I tend not to write anything until I know exactly what I want to write so I spend the week pondering and then I can knock out a 4 or 5 pages in an hour.

What was the first story you remember writing?

It was for a creative writing unit in middle school. I don’t remember it very well but it involved a cat who was also a detective. Most of the story revolved around the cat trying to escape its human masters so that it could solve mysteries outside the house. It was AWFUL. Reading it after it was done scared me off writing for over a decade.

What is the most difficult part of the whole writing process? What is the easiest part of the writing process?

The most difficult part for me is coming up with realistic dialogue. Describing things, emotions, events, etc does not come all that difficultly to me but I am forever deleting and rewriting dialogue because I think no one really talks like that. Sometimes I also have trouble with connecting events. When I am plotting I will get snapshots of a particular event, emotion or scene and it will be perfect. Then I will get another snapshot and another and they form the frame for my story. Then I have to sit down and figure how to get from one snapshot to the next. I guess on the flip side, coming up with the framework of the story is the easiest part. Usually I am inspired by one of my characters and it just runs from there.

What one book, written by someone else, do you wish you’d written yourself?

That is a really difficult question. There pieces of various books that I would love to have written (usually the parts that leave me with heart ripped out on the ground and tears running down my face…). But as to whole books, even when I am loving a book, my fingers are always itching to have a copy in Word so that I can be adding to it or changing it along the way. This is by no means to indicate that I think I am a better author than all those whose books I enjoy. It is just an uncontrollable instinct to be inspired by the writers I love.

Who gave you the best writing advice you ever received and what was it?

I can’t think of one person who gave this advice but it has come from every side. Just keep writing. For the longest time I was afraid to write anything because it would be horrible. But finally a friend of mine dared me to write a story that I had been thinking about and not worry about whether it would be good or not (you can always edit). Who can resist a dare??? =) I have since gained a bit of confidence but there are times when I have to remember to just keep at it.

 Job and Charles displayed so much emotion from their stories, was it hard to write this piece?

In some ways the emotional bits are the easiest for me to write. Most of them come from my own experiences or from those close to me. For Job and Charles in particular, I grew up in a church like Job’s and while I did not know someone who committed suicide because of it, I remember the condemnation and bigotry and how it made me feel. For Charles’ story, it was more an amalgamation of all the deaths I have experienced in my life. Most recently (at that time) I had been present when my Dad died of cancer after being in hospice.

They can be the easiest scenes to write as they come from deepest inside me. In other ways they are the hardest as they leave me emotionally worn out. I have Charlie and Danny’s story all laid in my head but I can’t work on it regularly as I can’t focus on it without knowing how it ends. As I am answering this question I have just had a realization. A little over a year a half ago I fell in love for the first time and it was just a month or so after that that I returned to writing and launched myself into the world of romance. Could there be a connection?

This question is because I need to know....Are we going to see more of Liam and Alex from Christmas Tradition?

Sigh, that is another hard question to answer. As you may know, Christmas Tradition is the most sexually explicit of the stories I have written. It was also the first story I wrote. I write under a pen name so that I am able to keep the day job I am in school for (which I love). I think that they would eventually be okay with the gay thing but never the sex thing. So I have moved away from writing sexually explicit scenes in my stories because, no matter how much we wish it, things never stay secret forever. That being said, I am not sure I could write Liam and Alex without the sex because their first story was so enmeshed in that aspect of their relationship. Perhaps one day I will go back and expand on the beginning of their relationship but, alas, it is not currently in the works.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently writing a story for the M/M Romance Group’s Love is Always Write event. I won’t tell you much about it since that would muck up JenMcJ’s surveys when the time comes but I am a wee ways into it and have managed to think out my connectors so all that is left is to find a chunk of a few hours to sit down and write it all out. And then beta and edit and whatnot.

I am also working on my serial, True Love’s Kiss. Every week or so I post a chapter on my blog, Romancing the Word. Bierni promised to bring his sister to the capital to see if she could break the Prince’s curse when she came of age. But when they arrive it is Bierni’s kiss that awakens the Prince. Too bad they don’t like each other. At all. Magic, mayhem and betrayal ensue.

Then, on the back burner but still being thought about, are Charlie and Danny’s story, a sequel to Job and Charles’ story, a little merman type story, a swords and sorcery type novel and time travel novella.

As you can see, I have more plot bunnies than time to chase them down but unfortunately my brain doesn’t stop creating them. =)

I would like to thank Kathleen for stopping by and allowing us to get to know her a little better. Can't wait to read your next story!! 


Ayame said...

It's always fascinating to read about other people's writing process O_O Very nice interview. Kathleen, I love your stories. Keep up the good work!

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