Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Resolution

For the new year, I didn't want to get swept in the type of a New Year's Resolution. However, in my writing world, I need the extra push! You see, I have been sitting on a WIP (Work In Progress) for WAY to long!! It has been sitting at 57K. Why you ask? Simple. I'm afraid to finish it. It may seem silly but I am. 

What could an author be afraid of a almost completed manuscript? The WIP in question needs a lot of editing. There are holes that need to be patched. Thoughts needing to be completed. The short of it, it's a rough draft. 

I recently was told that all rough drafts suck. I thought for sure this person was just pulling my leg, trying to make me feel better about my writing. Talking with other authors, I have come to realize that not only do rough drafts suck, but every author who has ever dreamed of being published questions their talent. 

So this year, my New Year's Resolution is to stop being afraid of the 'What If' and start writing. My goal is to submit three stories for publication this year. I want to stop standing in my own way of my dreams coming true:)

Starting this Monday, (Jan 7)  I will start a new blog theme titled, Challenge Me Mondays. The rules of CMM are simple. I want fans, other authors, or the causal passerby to post a word for me to use in my WIP for that week. You post the word on Monday, I toss all the words thrown at me in a hat, and pick that word as my challenge word. I will have until the following week to post 1k written with the winning challenge word. 

I already participate in a weekly writing challenge with some friends, but this will be an extra challenge to help push me to write. I hope you all will pitch in and help me:) I look forward to hearing from each of you on Monday! 

Did anyone else make any New Year's Resolutions? Please feel free to share;)


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