There are some writers who don't use critique partners or that can sit down and write without bouncing ideas off anyone else. For me, the whole process is more exciting with a writing group to fall back on. I love tossing ideas out for a new story or discussing character development and plot.
Another benefit of a writing group is the drive to write. My village pushes and cheers me on as I complete my book. I love the text messages I get when I am folding laundry and someone from the group as just read a section of my story. My writing group makes me feel like I can do, that one day my dream of being a published author is reachable.
So, for this Thankful Thursday I am thankful for the critique group. I am thankful for their support, their love, and their insight. I am thankful for my village.
I can hear them fighting over who gets to be which character now!
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