Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love Out Loud

 This past year I have been lucky to watch a few young men discover who they are, who they want to be, and their impact on our small community. These brave men love out loud for the rest of the world to see. They inspire me to write, to love, and to be a good friend. These young men show the rest of the world the struggles of being themselves in a world that wants to label and place them in small boxes. Somehow they stand on those small boxes day after day and shout, "This is who I am" to those who try to hold them back. These men breathe new life and meaning into the word love. For me, being able to be a witness to their growth is a true gift. A gift I am truly thankful for. 

If I could give you one gift, I would give you the ability to see yourself as I see you, so you could see how truly special you are.
-- Author Unknown


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