The definition of Thankful:
1. Aware and appreciative of a benefit.
2. Expressive of gratitude.
On this Thankful Thursday, a few talented authors drop by to express what they are thankful for this year. I hope you enjoy your holiday surrounded by loved ones.
LC Chase-
There's a lot of crazy in this world. Seems every time you turn on the news or the radio or log-on to the internet, something horrible is happening in the world. I know it won't change anything by ignoring it. But things can be changed if we pay attention to all the little things in our lives that we have to be thankful for. Focus on the good and perhaps, that little bit of positive energy will be the shift that changes the tide.
For me, I have a great deal to be thankful for, but what stands out most are the people in my life. Friends and family alike, I have been blessed. I have met some truly wonderful people on my travels over the years and made many a cherished friend. Every single person has touched my life in some way, even if our times together were brief, I have not forgotten, nor will I ever, for each touch has enriched my life that much more.
This is short, I know, but what more is there to say than "thank you". Thank you for being there, for sharing your smiles, for being a part of my life.
So, to all my friends and family, thank you.
For me, I have a great deal to be thankful for, but what stands out most are the people in my life. Friends and family alike, I have been blessed. I have met some truly wonderful people on my travels over the years and made many a cherished friend. Every single person has touched my life in some way, even if our times together were brief, I have not forgotten, nor will I ever, for each touch has enriched my life that much more.
This is short, I know, but what more is there to say than "thank you". Thank you for being there, for sharing your smiles, for being a part of my life.
So, to all my friends and family, thank you.
For some reason I seem to spend much of my time lately grumpy and bitching about thw world and everything in it. People, products, prose never live up to my expectiations and I am constantly disappointed. Despite this, there are some fundamentals that I am ever thankful for and the first is kind of ironic but I am eternally thankful that I am grown up enough (spiritually) to realise that everything I said about my frame of mind is exactly that - MY frame of mind. I create those disappointments for myself, it's all my stuff and nothing will change about my grumbles and gripes unless I change. Why be thankful for this? Because it means that whilst I whinge and moan, I don't place blame or project my fears and insecurities on others, I own them for myself. An odd thing to be thankful of maybe, but I am.
Looking back over the last year the list of things to be thankful for grows exponentially. My son's renewed health - he's been in and out of hospital. My daughter's strength - she puts up with a lot living with me. Finding the GR community - you have no idea what a relief it is to discover I'm not the only person obsessed with Special Forces. Alongside that, and as a direct result of finding the Special Forces Group, I wrote my first solely MM fiction and people liked it. I'm thankful for every thoughtful review (even if they didn't love it), for every person that takes time out of their real life to read something I've crafted and especially for those that take the extra time to say 'thanks for writing'.
For some reason that I don't understand, but am truly thankful for, a group of writers took me under their wing and extended a hand of friendship and writing companionship. My work is fuller and more rounded because of them, for the time they take away from their own writing to critique and encourage mine, and for that I am thankful.
I am thankful, despite my grumpiness, for every breath and every second in this amazing world that I don't understand and for the opportunity to learn and grow and experience life. I am thankful for my faith that there is more to life than suffering, politics, money, birth and death. But most of all I am thankful for you, the hundreds, thousands and millions of unknown faces that participate in the world with me. And I am hopeful, that together, we will continue to make it a better place.
Let's dance in the rain, sing through the sorrow, be mindful of one another and find the joy in every moment.
x Casey K x
Poppy Dennison-
This year I have so many things to be thankful for. My family and friends are true blessings and fill my heart with joy. I'm thankful that I have found a way to be creative through writing, and that I have such an incredible support system of people who encourage me and believe in my talent. I'm also grateful that the past year has been a learning year for me. I've had challenges and struggles, but I've grown as a person. I don't think you can ask for more than that!
Charles Edward-
I'm thankful for the health of my family; for new, more interesting responsibilities at my day job; for the writer friends I've made this year; and for the releases of my first books and stories. I'm grateful for the people who read and enjoy my characters.
I'm thankful for a lot this year. For selling my house, for finding a new job, for getting published, for knowing all you guys in RRW. Without the group I don't know if I would have had the motivation to finish Inheritance or drive to write a sequel. The positive reinforcement helps me keep going. I'm thankful that despite my crazy personality you guys still like to talk to me and call me friend.
What have I been thankful for this year? Lots! In no particular order…
That I met Charles Edward after he contacted us through the Zack-Art site wanting Oliver to paint him an avatar (which he still hasn't had yet…) Charles has been such a good friend and it's amazing in our cyber-age that you can have such without actually meeting them!
That I joined Goodreads, and was allowed into the RRW group, and that through that I've "met" so many more good friends (and a special hug for Thorny).
That Bruno Gmünder finally saw sense in publishing Boys of Vice City and that tlaGay liked it so much to give it a load of space on the site.
That this year I can celebrate an amazing 42 years of being with my soulmate and partner, Oliver Frey (not that all the early years were a smooth ride, but what's a relationship without a bit of strife?). What's so good about our relationship is that we're each other's best friends as well as lovers, our fiercest critics, and our inspiration for each other in all our work and life. And after all this time, we're never short of things to talk about over meals.
That, finally, we're getting our Victorian Welsh-slated roof repaired so the rain won't come in any more!
That at the recent retrogaming show in Blackpool, REPLAY EXPO, hundreds of former teenagers came up to shake hands, get autographs, and chat—mostly about how the computer games magazines we published from the mid-80s to mid-90s inspired them. That was truly warming…and humbling. (And you can ask Charles about the ZX Spectrum computer and what it meant to the kids of Britain).
Not so thankful for the colds we both caught there, however…
Gosh, I hope that's enough. It seems like a lot, but then, I'm generally thankful for so many things, not least the opportunity to improve whatever skill I have as a writer.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving…we'll save the turkey for Christmas, as usual!
That I met Charles Edward after he contacted us through the Zack-Art site wanting Oliver to paint him an avatar (which he still hasn't had yet…) Charles has been such a good friend and it's amazing in our cyber-age that you can have such without actually meeting them!
That I joined Goodreads, and was allowed into the RRW group, and that through that I've "met" so many more good friends (and a special hug for Thorny).
That Bruno Gmünder finally saw sense in publishing Boys of Vice City and that tlaGay liked it so much to give it a load of space on the site.
That this year I can celebrate an amazing 42 years of being with my soulmate and partner, Oliver Frey (not that all the early years were a smooth ride, but what's a relationship without a bit of strife?). What's so good about our relationship is that we're each other's best friends as well as lovers, our fiercest critics, and our inspiration for each other in all our work and life. And after all this time, we're never short of things to talk about over meals.
That, finally, we're getting our Victorian Welsh-slated roof repaired so the rain won't come in any more!
That at the recent retrogaming show in Blackpool, REPLAY EXPO, hundreds of former teenagers came up to shake hands, get autographs, and chat—mostly about how the computer games magazines we published from the mid-80s to mid-90s inspired them. That was truly warming…and humbling. (And you can ask Charles about the ZX Spectrum computer and what it meant to the kids of Britain).
Not so thankful for the colds we both caught there, however…
Gosh, I hope that's enough. It seems like a lot, but then, I'm generally thankful for so many things, not least the opportunity to improve whatever skill I have as a writer.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving…we'll save the turkey for Christmas, as usual!
Summer Michaels-
The year 2011 has brought me a lot to be thankful for. I have grown and changed and challenge myself in ways I didn't think possible. Summer Michaels would not be without the support of my family. They encourage to write. I will never forget my daughter when I told her I wanted to be an author. She jumped up and down like she had won the lottery screaming, "Mom! You’re an author!" The pride in her voice still brings a smile to my face. For my family, being thankful doesn't seem like enough.
Summer Michaels also would not be without my writing group. We have been together for a little over a year now. I love getting to see how other's write. Being able to discuss writing issues, word placement, and steamy sex scenes helps me unblock and write a scene with confidence. The RRW is more than a group of authors getting together to edit. It's home. It's where I hang my author hat. It's where Summer Michaels comes to life. You each give me a little bit of yourselves. You are family. I love each of you and I 'm thankful and blessed to have you all in my life.
I am also thankful for GoodReads. It has brought me closer to my dream of being published and brought along with it lifelong friends. I am a simply blessed writer.
I am thankful for great books, great friends, and the constant miracles showered on me by the universe. I am thankful for the publication of my first romance novel and the amazing gay romance community which has made me feel so welcome. I am thankful for my tenth year with my incredible boyfriend and the chance to live in the most magical city on earth doing exactly what I always dreamed. I live in gratitude.
I'm thankful for having a wonderful partner who has been supporting me with my writing. The writing group has been extremely helpful and I want to thank them for making my Zombie Rain accepted by Less Than Three Press. I'm thankful for having online friends who would be there for me whenever I ask.
Zach Sweets
Zach Sweets
Piper Vaughn-
I'm thankful for: My adorable son, my family, my friends, both online and off, my awesome co-author, my crit group, and all of the publishers who offered me contracts this year. Last New Year's Eve my resolution was to be published in 2011, and that resolution came true not only once, but multiple times, and I'm thankful to all of my editors and the publishers who took a chance on me. :D
Xara X. Xanakas-
I'm thankful for: My adorable son, my family, my friends, both online and off, my awesome co-author, my crit group, and all of the publishers who offered me contracts this year. Last New Year's Eve my resolution was to be published in 2011, and that resolution came true not only once, but multiple times, and I'm thankful to all of my editors and the publishers who took a chance on me. :D
Xara X. Xanakas-
When Summer asked what I’m grateful for, I had to sit back and think. It's not easy to take stock of your life. Usually we're so caught up in getting through and making the best that we never notice what is. So what am I thankful for today?
I know the standard answer is 'family,’ but that is what I am truly thankful for.
I am thankful for my family. Sure, we're nothing out of the ordinary. Two parents, two brothers, and me. We didn’t have a lot growing up. We didn’t have even have heat! Hugs were scarce, and 'I love yous ' even less existent, but that didn't mean we didn't know that we were loved. We always had each other’s backs.
I am thankful for Spouse’s family for raising a man they can be proud of. One I am proud of. And for the part they played in helping me become who I am after I joined their family.
I am thankful for Spouse, who found me over 20 years ago and has held me up since then. He has high expectations of me, sometimes higher than I can even imagine, but he has faith in me.
I am thankful for my webfamily. The writing group I joined last year has really become as much my family as those who share my DNA. Without their support and encouragement, I wouldn’t have managed to finish, much less submit, any of my stories. That I managed to get anything published is more their fault than my own.
So to all of my family, near, far, virtual, or blood, thank you. Thank you for making me who I am.
What a lovely thankful collection, Summer. Thank you for you putting it together, and to my wonderful and amazing critique partners for sharing. Big hugs to all of you! :-)
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