Friday, June 24, 2011

Valentin's Day by Charles Edward

Valentin treasures every stolen moment he can share with his lover, Laurent, in their little cabin in the forest. But Laurent is haunted by fears of a danger he can’t quite remember, memories he’s sure Valentin can help explain. Nothing can stop the flow of memory or time, but Valentin will protect and cherish Laurent as best he can.

Charles Edward is an amazing author. When I read this story, it was in the writing/critique group we are each a participant of. I was blown away. While this story is a short, it packs an emotional punch. I couldn't get over it. I wanted to know more about Valentin and Laurent's relationship, past, and wanted to participate in the next V-Day as a fly on the wall. 

If you haven't picked up your copy of Valentin's Day, then shame on you. LOL! Only kidding, here is the link:


Charles Edward said...

Wow, Summer. Thank you very much. Your support has meant a great deal to me :-)

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